First of all, to answer Dave's question: Gus, Mark, and I groomed yesterday (Tuesday). First we tried to knock things down with a combination of the two TiddTechs and a following Ginzu, but there was too much new stuff to keep the Ginzu going. We went back and got Mike Brickert's roller fixed up with a new lever and 2 new air springs and were able to get everything packed using the roller along with th 2 TiddTechs without too many problems. We didn't try to go back and set tracks, but it was still 4:00 when we left.
Dave, I think you will find a firm base with a bit of new stuff on top, based on how we left it and how much new stuff we got here last night. Please note from my Monday posting that the 2-stroke Skandic is down until we can install the 2 new headlamps. You'll still have the 3 4-strokes with headlamps good to go.
Gus and I are planning on catching things up Friday for the weekend. Gus is in Missoula till then. Mark is away on a ski trip. Paul, I'd suggest waiting another week if you're going to be tied up Friday.