Paul took both Skandics to Staacks on Wednesday. The new Skandic was due for its post break-in service and the old Skandic broke down on Saturday. Paul will bring the new machine back on Friday, but the old one is awaiting new rubber couplings between the carbs and intake manifolds. The breakdown was caused by a broken throttle cable.
AlpineII #4 also died on Saturday with no spark. I scavenged a CDI unit and spark coil from one of the derelict AlpineII's at John's Snowmobile Salvage and put them in #4 today. It would run fine when cold, but die after heating up, so we will find out on Friday if the problem is fixed. I also put a new belt in #3 as it has been making noises getting unstuck. I also lubed the clutches on both machines.
Finally, I brought the quad home and replaced the thermocouple and blew out the burner, so hopefully it will behave. I won't get it back in the Warming Hut until Friday.
Dave and Thursday night crew: you will be without heat and light and have only one machine with headlights, so you may want to take a night off.