Paul and I got caught up on chores at Haggin today. We put the carburetor from old #5 in the Bitterroot Alpine II and put the hitch back on the Beast that Paul had fixed. Since there is a bunch from the Club doing the moonlight ski tomorrow night, we went ahead and groomed the lower loops. Paul used the Beast/Ginzu and I used the Bitterroot Alpine II to pull the TiddTech and then the tracksetter. Although the temp got above 32, we made it without serious mishap.
The Alpine II worked fine, although the idle still had to be set high. The primer failed so we replaced it. One fix remains to be done: the fuel line still runs under the engine and is prone to vapor lock. On the other Alpine II's we rerouted the fuel line just inside the cowling on the clutch side with good results.
Who would like to groom on Friday?