Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ok 9 am looks good for me.  I'll let Gleason know and he will come.  I also need to be back home by noon.  Paul

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Well &$%#@, if you have to do it, I guess I'd better go along to keep you out of trouble.  9:00 OK?

Haggin Grooming

I am committed to Moulton this Thursday as nothing has been done several weeks.

I still have two containers for fuel, how it that holding out?

Anyone up for grooming Thursday morning?  Looks like I will be tied up on Friday.  May go up and groom in the morning even if no one else can.  Paul

Friday, February 20, 2015

Saturday grooming

It's snowing big flakes in town tonight and hope we get to work with a nice accumulation in the morning. I can make it and see you at 9.

Saturday Grooming Schedule

We plan on meeting at 9:00.  From Paul's vantage point it looks like Haggin only had a brief squall today, but the cloud cover is heavy just north of the divide.  It could be interesting how Haggin fairs with the weather coming over the divide.  Gus is tied up. Paul thought he would see if Jim Gleason is ready to rejoin the crew.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Haggin Grooming

I am not available this Saturday.

I have two gas cans (empty) if anyone thinks they need them, I can See if I can get them up there. Gus
Based on the forecast I think we should wait till Saturday AM.  Mandy will be bringing up her junior ski club at 10:30, so we should have the lower stuff in good shape by then.  Paul siad (via email) that he's up for Saturday morning.


Do we wait more?

Monday, February 16, 2015

I'm tied up today and tomorrow, but free on Wed.  Any chance for then?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday evening

Any plans for grooming at Mt Haggin - Gus

Friday, February 13, 2015

Things are starting to warm but I think if we groom this afternoon we will just create very ice conditions.  I say to wait until we get more snow which may be early in the week.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

I'm surprised there's even a possibility of grooming.  Yesterday the Big Hole  was way up and blown out like early spring!  We're going biking on the Ponderosa Road - sorry.

February 13:

I think we should try Friday evening, when it cools off.


Grooming 2-13

Again predicted temps above freezing for tonight. I skied today and not bad on old tracks.  Think we might not be able to improve conditions but will go with what everyone else thinks.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Thursday night grooming report

Todd and I groomed Sugarloaf and all the commons - temperature was right around 32°

Dave Susanj

Thursday, February 5, 2015

When we left around noon the temp was already way up.  We were able to groom and set tracks everywhere on the system except Sugar Loaf as we did the tour with Skip Olson.  I gave Dave Susanj a heads up about what we did.  I think the best idea is to let things go and await the return to winter - maybe later next week. What a strange winter!

Skip thinks the groomer can go everywhere on the east side except the very south end of Li'l Cal - where we have pole bridges anyway.  He is checking with FW&P, and if that is OK he will approach his members. He was very complimentary of the system.

Too warm again for grooming?

Sara went by Mt Haggin today on her way back from Chief Joseph. Said it was 42 degrees and we aren't supposed to have much cool off tonight. Is there a plan for the morning?