Sunday, March 13, 2011

I should be available Friday morning, March 18th to groom. I'll be out of twon this arriving back late thursday.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thurs night grooming

Don't think we will groom tonight - Temps look like they will stay to warm through the early evening, plus 2- 4 inches of snow is forcast for thurs night / friday morning.

Good luck fri morn

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I entered this earlier but it didn't stay.

I should be available Friday the 11th for grooming.
Those who purchased gasoline from Lisacs Tri Stop please let me know the day and amount for February.

The invoice did not have any receipts, so I do not know who purchased what.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Friday Grooming Schedule

We had better plan on an 8:00 start with the forecast of an overnight low of 18F and a high tomorrow of 33F. Today it's already 36F at 11:00 here at Jerry Creek. Paul is taking a day off, so we need a Beast driver.

Pete Kurtz from Sven's in Anaconda called late Sunday afternoon to report a propane leak at the Warming Hut. Paul went up and shut off the gas at the bottle that night and Monday I picked up a new regulator and installed it Tuesday. Things appeared to be leak-free. I left the pilot on so it will be interesting to see if the Thursday night crew find it still on.